The story of Lapin Pesupalvelu began in 1983 when Paula and Jussa Kärppä founded the company. Kärpät will work as entrepreneurs until 2020. Ulla and Kari Siirtola bought the business in the summer of 2020 and the laundry gained new owners.

The story of Ulla ja Kari 

Entrepreneurs Ulla and Kari have experience in a wide range of working life. Ulla graduated as a Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care at the Academy of Medical Sciences and managed to work with the elderly in various positions for almost ten years. Kari had a solid 15 years of experience in the mining industry. The entrepreneurial couple thought about the future, where they both dreamed of returning to their home roots in Sodankylä.

Kari came up with the idea of ​​starting a laundry business, although Ulla thought the idea was a joke at first. The thought kept on humming and started to make more sense little by little. Kari worked part-time in the operations of the family company, which rented and looked after both its own and others' accommodation in the fells. It seemed like a natural idea when we would be able to take care of the maintenance of the textiles ourselves in the future.

We went to investigate and at the same time there were 3 laundromats for sale in the Lapland area. Luckily for us, one was in our beloved home village of Sodankylä. This is how the pieces started to fall into place, where Lapin Pesupalvelu got new entrepreneurs and the entrepreneur couple a new career.

Our goals

We want to be a reliable partner!

We are a good and trustful employer!

Operations are developed sustainably together with employees!

Best regards,

Ulla ja Kari Siirtola, Lapin Pesupalvelu owners